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Tuesday, January 24, 2012


In honor of the late

January 28, 2012
7:00 AM
Carles Municipal Hall Lobby


I. Doxology................................................................ Carles Central School Teachers

II Flashback on life of Leonardo A. Bandojo, Sr. .... Mr. Rolly De Roja, son-in-law

III. Welcome Remarks .............................................. Hon. Arnold A. Betita
                                                                                     Municipal Mayor

IV. Reminiscing the life of a dedicated Municipal Official

      As Vice Mayor ................................................... Brig. Gen. Cesar C. Betita (Ret.)

      As an SB Member .............................................. Hon. SB Member Marlou Lopez

     As a friend ........................................................... Hon. Vice Mayor Edsel I. Betita

V. Special Song ........................................................ Grandchildren

VI. Recalling the good and happy memories of a beloved member of the family

      As a father ............................................................ Engr. Rodney C. Bandojo

      As a grandfather ................................................... SKMF President Faye B. Tupas

      As a brother ........................................................... Mrs. Anita B. Cepida

VII. Finale Song .......................................................... Tarong Elem. School Teachers

VIII. Response from the Family .................................. Engr. Rogie C. Bandojo

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