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Friday, November 26, 2010

Mayor Arnold Betita Wed 70 New Couples

Mayor Arnold Betita of Carles, Iloilo wed 70 or more indigent couples from different barangays of Carles, Iloilo just this afternoon November 26, 2010 at around 2:00 pm at Carles Public Plaza. Thanks to the 4Ps (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program)of the government a Conditional Cash Program aide to the many indigent residents of the municipality of Carles.

One of the prerequisites of becoming a beneficiary is that both of the couple are legally married. Some of the newly wed had no excuse of getting married now that they are already a 4Ps beneficiary.

The municipality of Carles has more than 6000 4Ps beneficiaries.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Carles get its bests...

Our congratulations to Miss Ma. Teresa B. Betita, Teacher I of Carles Central School won 4th place for the Search for Top 10 Most Oustanding Teacher in the whole Division of Iloilo for School Year 2009-2010.

Meanwhile, same congratulations to Mrs. Lynie B. Chavez, Principal II of Carles Central School also won 4th place in the Search for Top 10 Most Outstanding School Administrator in whole Division of Iloilo for School Year 2009-2010.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Carles Municipal Fiesta 2010 concludes..

October 15, 2010 was the celebration of the Municipal and Religious Fiesta of the Municipality of Carles. Prior to that, various celebrations were held starting October 10, 2010 which was the Opening of the Agro-aqua which displayed various products of the different barangays of the municipality followed at night by the awarding of all the winners of the "Sambuwa 2010" at the covered gym which was graced by all the competing teams and municipal officials. The awarding of the "Sambuwa 2010" had brought the LGU team to the spotlight, hailed champion.

On October 11, 2010 pm was the celebration of the CAMEA Night, a multi-purpose cooperative of all the Municipal employees of the municipality of Carles which was done successfully.

Fish Port Night was celebrated on October 12, 2010 which was sponsored by all the Fish Boat owners and operators. They featured the Soundslave band from Roxas that gave the night a groovy celebration.

October 13, 2010 am was the DepEd Celebration that highlighted many cultural competition to many pupils of the municipality, both elementary and high School which followed their night in the evening.

On October 14, 2010 at 1:00 PM was the parade of all the sectors of the municipality which showcased the now Municipal Fiesta Queen Samantha Margarita Bartolome Palacio, a typical Filipina beauty, a campus beauty queen of Cawayan National High School, the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Artemio Palacio of brgy. Cawayan, Carles, Iloilo.

On October 14, 2010 pm, was the Globe Night, a night sponsored by the Globe Telecommunications Company which featured Crayons Band from Iloilo City.

Alas, October 15, 2010 am, the people of Carles celebrated the municipal fiesta. Each house in the Brgy. Poblacion, Carles, Iloilo managed to prepare for the celebration. It was a joyous day to be remembered. And of course, in the night was the coronation of the Fiesta Queen Samantha I which served as the finale of the celebration.

People of Carles never failed to reminisce these days, it was an opportunity to celebrate and enjoy with friends and relatives...

Until then next year.. Congratulation to the people of Carles.

Monday, October 11, 2010

LGU of Carles held CAMEA Night, successful!

In the anticipation of the forthcoming municipal fiesta 2010 of Carles, Iloilo, one of the highlights is the CAMEA Night last October 11, 2010, 6PM at Carles, Gymnasium.

CAMEA is a multi-puropose cooperative of the municipality among all the regular and job hired employees.

But unfortunately, most of the employees were clueless of the forthcoming celebration that no advance preparation was planned. Yet, despite of the surprise announcement, a surprise impromptu preparation was done among employees.

The highlight of the Night was to pick a surprise King & Queen and its entourage. The instant King of the Night was Mr. Florentino Lozanez, Ms. Hazel Tupas was the Queen of the Night with Mr. Rex Tupas and Mrs Marlen Soriano were picked to be the 1st prince and princes while Mr. Pompei Betita, Jr. and Ms. Ayla Betita were the 2nd prince and princess. There were also an entourage with Mr. Renato Delos Reyes and Mrs. Ruby L. Betita as the Crowns Bearers, Ms. Joy Josue as the Scepter Bearer and Mrs. Lenie Ignacio as the Sash bearers.

This event was an opportunity among LGU employees to show alertness and preparedness during emergency situation. It displays team building among co-employees and had realized that the show must go on despite everything.

In the end, most of the employees ended the night with a smile in their face, had a good time and found a little pleasure in life despite the hectic schedule of the days ahead.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sambuwa 2010 concludes successfully

The Sambuwa 2010 of the Municipality of Carles concluded uccessfully last night October 10, 2010 at Carles Covered Gym.

Championship for the Basketball men goes to the LGU Team while the Pioneers of PNP settles for the 1st Runner Up with DepEd Elementary get hold of the 2nd Runner Up.

Teresito Baltazar of the LGU Team was chosen to be this year's MVP. The Mythical Five are: Regie Bernal and Sammy Jun Bantillo of LGU Team chosen as Best in Point Guards, Abner Bangalisan of Pioneers and Marlou Lopez of LGU Team are Best in Forwards and Teresito Baltazar of LGU is the Best in Center. Another award was given to Abner Bangalisan as Most Improved Player as well as to his Team Pioneer of PNP awarded as Best in Sportsmanship.

In the Volleyball competition, The MAVAC (Market Vendors Association) champions the game, DepEd Secondar won the 1st Runner Up and Dimple Star Team got the 2nd Runner Up.

All that starts well ends well for the Sambuwa 2010, but more events to come in the anticipation of the 2010 Municipal fiesta.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Municipality of Carles Annual and Religious Fiesta 2010
October 10-15, 2010

Assembly Time: 1:00 PM
Place: Carles Central School Playground

  1. Marshall - National Colors and Philippine National Flag
  2. PNP - Carles Chapter
  3. Municipal Officials, Municipal Provincial and National Employees
  4. Federated Veterans Association, Carles Chapter
  5. Senior Citizens, Retired Teachers and Government Employees Association
  6. Drum & Lyre Corps - Carles Central School
  7. DepEd - District of Carles Faculty & Staff
  8. Drum & Lyre Corps - WON IL Christian School
  9. WON IL Christian School Faculty, Staff & Students
  10. Zone I - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  11. Zone II - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  12. Zone III - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  13. Zone IV - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  14. Drum & Lyre Corps - Cawayan National High School
  15. Cawayan National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  16. Talingting National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  17. San Fernando National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  18. Zone V - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  19. Zone VI - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  20. Zone VII - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  21. Zone VIII - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  22. SK Federated Association Officers & Members
  23. Drum & Lyre Corps - DCANHS, Carles, Iloilo
  24. DCANHS Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  25. Granada National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  26. Ballesteros National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  29. MAVAC
  30. Ambulance
  31. Carles Motorcycle Association (Viaje Vrrom)
  32. Carles Tricycle Association
  33. Carles Jeepney Association
  34. KALAHI-CIDDS: MT - Vehicle Projects

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mayor Arnold Betita commences 2010 Iloilo Confesor Council Jamborette

The Municipality of Carles, Iloilo is located at the Northeaster tip of Panay island yet chosen to be the host of the 2010 Iloilo Confesor Council Jamborette of the Province of Iloilo. For Mayor Arnold A. Betita, it was a privilege and a challenge to host such historical event in the Municipality of Carles.

The Jamborette piloted last September 29, 2010 and expected to end on October 2, 2010. It was attended by different boy scouts and girl scouts all over the Province of Iloilo. The entire event will be held at Camp Arnold Betita, Brgy. Punta, Carles, Iloilo.

Many municipal mayors and officials coming from different towns of Iloilo graced the grand opening of the jamborette, even the very supportive Provincial Governor of Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor was there to grace the event.

Heavy rains poured out during the grand opening nevertheless the event continues.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fiesta is in the air to the people of Carles, Iloilo.

On October 15, 2010, the Municipality of Carles will be celebrating its Annual Municipal & Religious Fiesta, one of the most anticipated events of the year.

The just concluded "Sambuwa 2010" opening last September 11, 2010 indicated more events to come. "Sambuwa 2010" is a Sports Event made possible through the cooperation of Local Government Unit headed by the Municipal Mayor Arnold A. Betita and Vice Mayor Edsel I. Betita who is now the Director of the Municipal Fiesta.

The Sambuwa 2010 is a Sports Fest joined by various sectors of the Municipality such as LGU, DepEd Elementary, DepEd Secondary, MAVAC. Comelec, ABC, Fish Port and a lot more. The Sports that will be played are basketball for men, volleyball for women and also boxing competition to amateur boxers.

The Events will be held every weekend Saturdays and Sundays and scheduled games for basketball on weekdays which will start by 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon.

The Sports Coordinator of the "Sambuwa 2010" is Mr. Valentine "X" Doronila.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The newly built PNP Police Station of Municipality of Carles, Iloilo has now been blessed and inaugurated just this morning, August 13, 2010 at exactly 10:00 AM.

Rev. Father Gil Mediana, Carles Parish Priest lead the celebration by blessing the New Home of the Carles PNP. After which is the cutting of ribbon headed by P/CSupt. Samuel D. Pagdilao Jr., CEO VI Regional Director of Region VI together with Hon. Mayor of Carles Arnold A. Betita and Provincial Director of Iloilo P/Supt. Renato A. Gumban, CEO VI.

According to Regional Director Pagdilao that the building is good and it seems to stand out among other buildings. That he said may the services that comes out from this building should gain the trust and confidence of the people.

The building is constructed within the land donated by the Municipality of Carles and it had made possible through the effort of the ever supportive Mayor Arnold Betita.

The program closed by turning over the key of the building from the building contractor to P/CSupt. Pagdilao, Hon. Mayor Arnold Betita, Hon. Vice Mayor Edsel Betita and Chief of Police P/Insp. Errol C. Guatche.

The inauguration was attended by many municipal officials, employees and other Carlesenos.

Lunch then been served after the program.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipinas Program 4Ps of DSWD in cooperation with the Local Government Unit of Carles through the effort of Municipal Mayor Arnold Betita and other municipal officials has conducted the releasing of cash grant to all the 4Ps beneficiaries of Carles at the Municipal Gym last August 10, 2010.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) - is a poverty reduction and social development strategy of the national government that provides conditional cash grants to extremely poor households to improve their health, nutrition and education particularly of children aged 0-14.

4Ps has dual objectives:

  • Social Assistance - to provide cash assistance to the poor to alleviate their immediate need (short term poverty alleviation); and
  • Social Development - to break the intergenerational poverty cycle through investments in human capital.

4Ps helps to fulfill the country’s commitment to meet the Millennium Development Goals, namely:

  1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
  2. Achieve Universal Primary Education
  3. Promote Gender Equality
  4. Reduce Child Mortality
  5. Improve Maternal Health
Targeting System

The poorest households in the municipalities are selected through a Proxy-Means Test. This test determines the socio-economic category of the families by looking at certain proxy variables such as ownership of assets, type of housing, education of the household head, livelihood of the family and access to water and sanitation facilities.

Eligible Households

  1. Residents of the poorest municipalities based on 2003 Small Area Estimates (SAE) of NSCB;
  2. Households whose economic condition is equal to or below the provincial poverty threshold.
  3. Households that have children 0-14 years old and/or have a pregnant woman at the time of assessment;
  4. Households that agree to meet conditions specified in the program.
To avail of the cash grants beneficiaries should comply with the following conditions:
  1. Pregnant women must avail pre- and post-natal care and be attended during childbirth by a trained health professional;
  2. Parents must attend responsible parenthood sessions, mother’s classes and parent effectiveness seminars;
  3. 0-5 year old children must receive regular preventive health check-ups and vaccines;
  4. 3-5 year old children must attend day care or pre-school classes at least 85% of the time.
  5. 6-14 year old children must enroll in elementary or high school and must attend at least 85% of the time.
  6. 6-14 years old children must receive deworming pills twice a year.

Program Coverage

4Ps operates in 80 provinces covering 672 municipalities and 61 key cities.

The 4Ps targets to cover 1 million households in 2010.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The newly elected officials of the Municipality of Carles, Iloilo had taken their Oath of Office last July 01, 2010 together with the celebration of the 146th Foundation Day with Hon. Kim Oliver Enojas. The event was held at the Municipal Covered gym.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Independence Day Pics..

Last June 12, 2010 the municipal officials and employees of Carles together with other sectors of the municipality celebrated the Independence Day.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dr. Sylvia Mirasol and company commence an Ear, Eyes, Nose and Throat consultation to the people of Carles yesterday, June 8, 2010. Many people of Carles were benefited by this event.

The Municipal Hall has new canteen...

The Municipal Hall of Carles has now have a new canteen. The new canteen opened last Monday June 7, 2010. It is privately managed. The new canteen is created to cater most of the Municipal employees and visitors. The area is located near the sea side at the back of the Municipal Hall.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The present Municipal Mayor of Carles...


In the 2 years that our incumbent Municipal Mayor has occupied his position, his vision, industry and commitment to our people for the improvement of their welfare are now bearing fruits.


Our Municipal Mayor is tireless when it comes to looking for ways and means to get whatever is available for our people. Whenever he goes to Manila it is for the purpose of getting funding support for project proposals and letters to our Senators and Department Secretaries. When he goes to Iloilo City it is to ask Governor Tupas and Congressman Tupas for the services of the truck team to repair our roads, improve our Sports complex for the next CDSA athletic competing and whatever projects they could give to our barangays. His time and activities are dedicated to our people.

This is our present Municipal Mayor committed and dedicated to Carleseños. What he did for 2 years are all visible to us.

Let us acknowledge his achievement and support him continue accomplishing his vision and dreams for all of us.


In his function as Municipal Mayor and doing all what is good for Carleseños, he was ably supported by the Sangguniang Bayan, Municipal Employees, Barangay Officials and the supportive and enthusiastic response of our people.


In 2007, six (6) important projects have been implemented in the total amount of P1,816,750.00. ( Annex “A”)

In 2008, programs that were planned and implemented amounted to P7,959,894.00. (Annex “A”).

Again in 2009, 10 more projects were undertaken at a total cost of P4,135,478.00. (Annex “A”).


Classification of municipalities is based on income. For the past two years Carles increased its income due to several factors. The Internal Revenue Allocation increased by 15%. The development of a favorable business climate encouraged more investors to Carles. The continuous development of the Bancal Fish Port with the extension and expansion of the causeway and the reclamation to widen the fishport area, encouraged fishermen to sell their catch at the fishport, thus increasing the volume of fish unloaded. Fish traders from other towns get their fish supply from the fishport.

Other factors are the smooth road going to Carles and the excellent peace and order situation prevailing in the town.

The increased in revenues is due to energetic and committed political leadership.


The focus center of development is the Bancal Fishport. Millions of pesos (Php40M) have been invested in the project thru the relentless efforts of the Mayor for fund support from various offices and political figures particularly the Department of Agriculture and Congressman Niel “Jun-jun” Tupas, Jr.

To make the fishport wholly and conveniently operational not only to accommodate present fishermen to market their catch in Bancal but to attract more. It will also encourage buyers and other commercial traders to put up businesses at the fishport if they believe business could be profitable thru facilities available. The present causeway has to be widened and extended. The fishport site has to be expanded thru reclamation and relocation of residential houses at the site.


Different projects requested from the National government thru the representation and persistent follow up and effort of the Municipal Mayor were funded. These projects totaled P14,500,000.00. The biggest amount of P10,000,000,00 was for the expansion and extension of the causeway which is given priority in its development so that Bancal Fishport could be at par or even better than that of Estancia. (Annex “A”).


In addition to our Local and National funded projects the Municipal Mayor thru his initiative and support had successfully implemented the KALAHI-CIDSS projects thru Kapangyarihan at Kaunlara sa Barangay (KKB) cycle 3 (2007-2008). It will be noted that we have contributed the amount of P2,687,989.50 as our local support for the realization and implementation of these projects. The total amount invested in our municipality totaled P12,587,989.50. (Annex “B”)

Makamasang Tugon

The beneficiaries of these projects are 22 barangays. The KALAHI grant is P26,076,203.75 and our municipal counterpart is P4,076,875.75 The total amount invested for our development thru the different barangay projects is P30,151,579.50 (“Annex “B”).

National Projects

Congressman Jun-jun Tupas

Through the prodding of Mayor Betita, Congressman Junjun Tupas had given a total of P8,372,000.00 to Carles distributed to different barangays (Annex “C”).

Typhoon Frank

Thru the representation of our Mayor, Typhoon Resistant Transitional Shelter from the Philippine National Red Cross were distributed to Brgys affected by typhoon “Frank” on June 20-21, 2008. (Annex “C”).



An amount of P5.5 million was made available thru the efforts of Mayor Betita for the construction of a police headquarters for Carles PNP Station. The construction is now on going.

The Mayor has also negotiated with the Police Director Verzosa for one Police Patrol Car now in service to our PNP.

To increase Police effectiveness in law enforcement, three (3) police detachment were established, one in Mandulao, the other two are in Gigantes Island and Sicogon Island. These detachments would ensure prompt police action and visibility in place.

The Mayor has also made available to the PNP a patrol boat to minimize illegal fishing activities in our very wide municipal waters.


Sports development is included in the programs of his administration. We have hosted successfully in 2008 the 5th Congressional Athletic Sports Association (CDSA) Meet. Our guests particularly Municipal and Dep. Ed. Officials were impressed with our preparation and the municipality of Carles in general for our hospitality and progress. The Municipal Mayors and DepEd Officials have decided to again hold CDSA in Carles.

The Mayor also has organized boxing bouts and basketball tournaments held every weekend. The philosophy of the Mayor is to harness and channel the energy and talent of our youth to instill sport discipline and make them productive members of society.

Manufacture of bleachers of our gym is now undergoing for the comfort and convenience of our spectators during our boxing bouts and basketball games.


Going back to the history of foundation of the municipality of Carles he gave true credit to our ancestors who were the pillars and movers in the creation of Carles into town. We celebrated for the first time the 147th Foundation Day of Carles with a simple but symbolic ceremony. The acts of our ancestors were recognized thru posthumous awards. The awards of acknowledgement included previous leaders who are still around with us.


The Municipal Mayor improved our local cemetery by providing a lighting system. Unfortunately, however, the electric wires were stolen but were replaced again. Path walks were also constructed inside.


Anticipating convenience and comfort needs of our people, Mayor Betita was able to secure funds for the construction of a first class comfort room at the Municipal plaza and another comfort room at the fish port in Bancal.


Several letters were sent to DILG Secretary Puno to provide Carles with a fire truck. This request is being followed thru the Fire Protection Bureau Chief.


In addition to the normal function of our Municipal Health Office, we have done other important aspect of health services.

Philhealth Cards were given to our indigent constituent distributed to all barangays. This Philhealth Card would qualify them a big discount in the event they are hospitalized. We have also organized an anti-rabies team that to treat rabbies victims and to eliminate stray dogs.

We have an additional Medical Officer (Dr. Salvilla), nurses and midwives to improve health service to our people.

The Mayor wrote a letter to the Department of Health and PCSO to provide us with a floating clinic and a seaborne ambulance. The Mayor is also following up our letter request for additional land ambulance.


There are projects that are not even programmed but the Mayor was able to secure funds for its construction. We have the farm to market road from Barangay Bancal to Cabuguana and the other farm to market road in Sitio Camendez, Brgy. Bancal. Cabuyoc street in barangay Poblacion is already cemented. Thru persistent and frequent request to Congressman “Jun-Jun” Tupas, Jr. and the 3rd Engineering District the Carles to Balasan national road has been repaired and improved and continuously maintained. Our motorists are now passing through the road smoothly and comfortably. At present Labao Street in Barangay Poblacion to Barangay Punta is being cemented. This project is constructed using Countryside Development Fund (CDF) from IRA.


Immediately upon assumption of office on July 1, 2007, the Mayor immediately procured one dump truck to gather garbage at the public market and Barangay Poblacion streets. Eventually, garbage at Bancal public market was included in the garbage collection.

Then garbage receptacles were also procured for selective dumping or collection of garbage. These garbage receptacles were distributed throughout the Poblacion streets.


Another problem we have is to make available to our people a water system for potable water. Contact was made with Administrator Rolando Pichay for the creation of a Water District and Hon. Pichay approved its organization after compliance with some requirements. Alfredo B. Espino, Manager of Local Water Utilities Administration, with its area of operation. Visayas has been contacted and help in the preparation of requirement. The initial requirement is the organization a Carles Water District Board that will plan and comply with the requirements of LWUA.


Letters were sent to senators, department secretaries and other government agencies requesting for financial support/projects: (Annex “D”).



For fiscal year 2010 planned for implementation/completion are the following:

1. Steel bridge between Barangay Dayhagan, Carles, Iloilo and Barangay Dayhagan, Pilar. (on-going)

2. Circumferential coastal road from Barangay Dayhagan passing thru Barangays Guinticgan, Barosbos, Poblacion, Punta, Cabuguana, then connect with the Provincial Road from Bancal to Barangay Abong.

3. Circumferential coastal road from Sitio Langub, Barangay Granada to Barangay Asluman. This road will go around the coast of Gigante Norte. The construction of this road has been started from Asluman to Parola.

4. The existing road from Barangay Lantangan to Gabi is already cemented. Due for widening is the existing road that connects Barangay Asluman and Granada.

5. Water system for Carles. We do not have a potable water system. Through the personal request of the Mayor to Administrator Rolando Pichay, Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA), Alfredo B. Espino Manager of Visayas LWUA operation was directed to assist Carles put up a water district. Carles Water District was organized and will prepare plans and programs for this proposed water system.

6. Continue with the development of the Bancal Fish Port and Bagsakan Center.

7. Attract businessmen in Carles by making the town conducive to business ventures.

8. Fencing around the Municipal Cemetery and Construction of public comfort room thereat.


Classification of municipalities is based on income. For the past two years Carles increased its income due to several factors. The Internal Revenue Allocation increased by 15%. The development of a favorable business climate encouraged more investors to Carles. The continuous development of the Bancal Fish Port with the extension and expansion of the causeway and the reclamation to widen the fishport area, encouraged fishermen to sell their catch at the fishport, thus increasing the volume of fish unloaded. Fish traders from other towns get their fish supply from the fishport.

Other factors are the smooth road going to Carles and the excellent peace and order situation prevailing in the town.

The increased in revenues is due to energetic and committed political leadership.


Enhance our appreciation and knowledge to plan better and market tourism in Carles with its numerous white beaches especially in the island barangays.

There are plans to encourage beach resort developers through the assistance of Department of Tourism in providing information and guidelines to develop our tourism industry.

With the potential of tourism in our town, Carles was selected among 5 other municipalities in the province of Iloilo targeted by Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA)and the Department of Tourism for enhancement of tourism. A Memorandum of Agreement has been signed among the Department of Tourism, JICA and the Local Chief Executive (Mayor Betita) for this tourism program.


The request of this municipality for an extension college of Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College (NIPSC) has been approved. A one hectare lot donated by the heirs of the late Amado Andrada located at Barangay Poblacion is now available. Construction of the necessary building facilities may start anytime. It is expected that the college could open this coming June 2010.


Carles is one of the few towns all over the Philippines chosen to be the recipient of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. A total of 1800 families indigent families of 6 barangays, namely: Asluman, Granada, Gabi, Lantangan, Bancal and Pantalan were selected by the Department of Social and Welfare Development (DSWD) based on the criteria to become the recipients of 4Ps aid for 5 years in the amount ranging from P800-P1,400.00.

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