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Monday, October 11, 2010

LGU of Carles held CAMEA Night, successful!

In the anticipation of the forthcoming municipal fiesta 2010 of Carles, Iloilo, one of the highlights is the CAMEA Night last October 11, 2010, 6PM at Carles, Gymnasium.

CAMEA is a multi-puropose cooperative of the municipality among all the regular and job hired employees.

But unfortunately, most of the employees were clueless of the forthcoming celebration that no advance preparation was planned. Yet, despite of the surprise announcement, a surprise impromptu preparation was done among employees.

The highlight of the Night was to pick a surprise King & Queen and its entourage. The instant King of the Night was Mr. Florentino Lozanez, Ms. Hazel Tupas was the Queen of the Night with Mr. Rex Tupas and Mrs Marlen Soriano were picked to be the 1st prince and princes while Mr. Pompei Betita, Jr. and Ms. Ayla Betita were the 2nd prince and princess. There were also an entourage with Mr. Renato Delos Reyes and Mrs. Ruby L. Betita as the Crowns Bearers, Ms. Joy Josue as the Scepter Bearer and Mrs. Lenie Ignacio as the Sash bearers.

This event was an opportunity among LGU employees to show alertness and preparedness during emergency situation. It displays team building among co-employees and had realized that the show must go on despite everything.

In the end, most of the employees ended the night with a smile in their face, had a good time and found a little pleasure in life despite the hectic schedule of the days ahead.

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