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Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Municipality of Carles Annual and Religious Fiesta 2010
October 10-15, 2010

Assembly Time: 1:00 PM
Place: Carles Central School Playground

  1. Marshall - National Colors and Philippine National Flag
  2. PNP - Carles Chapter
  3. Municipal Officials, Municipal Provincial and National Employees
  4. Federated Veterans Association, Carles Chapter
  5. Senior Citizens, Retired Teachers and Government Employees Association
  6. Drum & Lyre Corps - Carles Central School
  7. DepEd - District of Carles Faculty & Staff
  8. Drum & Lyre Corps - WON IL Christian School
  9. WON IL Christian School Faculty, Staff & Students
  10. Zone I - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  11. Zone II - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  12. Zone III - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  13. Zone IV - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  14. Drum & Lyre Corps - Cawayan National High School
  15. Cawayan National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  16. Talingting National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  17. San Fernando National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  18. Zone V - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  19. Zone VI - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  20. Zone VII - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  21. Zone VIII - Barangays officials, BHWs, CVO's and Brgy Organizations
  22. SK Federated Association Officers & Members
  23. Drum & Lyre Corps - DCANHS, Carles, Iloilo
  24. DCANHS Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  25. Granada National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  26. Ballesteros National High School Faculty, Staff, PTA Officials
  29. MAVAC
  30. Ambulance
  31. Carles Motorcycle Association (Viaje Vrrom)
  32. Carles Tricycle Association
  33. Carles Jeepney Association
  34. KALAHI-CIDDS: MT - Vehicle Projects

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